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Covid-19 Update

/Covid-19 Update
Covid-19 Update 2020-03-30T18:38:25+00:00

Covid-19 Strategy Overview

Amid ongoing concerns about the Coronavirus Covid-19, VSSI Staffing Services is closely monitoring the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and has taken a number of steps to help prevent workplace exposure to acute respiratory illnesses. We have also implemented plans to continue essential business functions in case of higher than usual absenteeism.

We will continue to monitor the situation and be ready to implement new strategies to protect our workforce from Covid-19 while ensuring continuity of operations.

VSSI Staffing is not an expert on COVID-19. We actively encourage sick employees to stay home to reduce spreading the COVID-19.
We are educating our staff and all employees of best practices involving the COVID-19. VSSI will send out additional updates as needed.

Please be understanding and comply when companies request any of the following to ensure safety in the workplace:
Before shift starts/ end of shift wipe down workstations and touched surfaces.
Washing hands before shift start, after and before breaks (lunch & bathroom).
Offering gloves if anyone feels it is warranted.
Reminders in safety meetings, advising how to perform routine environmental cleaning.
Emphasize cough and sneeze etiquette, and hand hygiene.
Advise employees of policies before traveling to take certain steps.
Staying home when sick or showing any signs of COVID-19.
